Friday, October 18, 2013

Pip and Liza Rule the World

Good morning, beagle fans! A quick Pip and Liza update: They are doing GREAT. Life is grand. Treats, walks, cuddling, playing, digging, rides in the car, park playtime with friends. That's what we do. The mother of beagles is busy, busy, busy working as a teacher and a writer to bring home the kibble! Pip and Liza help out by getting me out of bed with enthusiastic face-licking and by always greeting me with wagging tails when I come home. Right now they're waiting for their morning walk to commence -- a fabulous sniff-fest followed by that most magical of events: Dinner! Have a beag-riffic day, all.

As you can see by the photo, Liza does not play by the rules. She goes where she pleases.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tricolor Shadow: A Beagle Haiku

Oh my goodness. It has been a busy summer for beagles! Not much time for beagle-blogging. Pip and Liza have been enjoying a visit from their Chilean "daddy," who has just left after two weeks of nonstop beagle fun. Alas, again we are three, and a little sad.

On the bright side, it is finally cooling down a bit so that we can enjoy longer walks in the evenings in addition to our early-morning super-walks. Last night I took this photo of Pip and Liza on their leashes and wrote a little haiku about that moment walking, trying to capture the image and essence of their beagleness and their shadows on film, fighting sadness. I have written a few beagle haiku... Search and publication to come. For now, Tricolor Shadow.

Tricolor shadow

Joyful bouncing white-tipped tails 

Reverse negative

Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's a good day to be a beagle

Welcome to our Beagle Blog! 

Thank you for following the adventures of Pip and Liza, the most beautiful beagles in the world. I know I may be biased, but just today we met a lovely pair of Miniature Schnauzers — Daisy and Abbey— and their human was quite impressed (as many are) with Pip and Liza's beauty. He was beside himself, in fact. Cooing.

Today is just another day in the life of Pip and Liza, who are now sleeping soundly on the couch as I try to design a pleasing little blog in hopes that when Liza has puppies in the next year we'll have our pick of good homes where they will be raised with love and patience. So this is day one. Hopefully we'll have time to post some photos and more information soon.